Clear Vision Overnight: The Benefits and Process of Orthokeratology


Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-K or corneal refractive therapy, is a non-surgical method of correcting vision that involves wearing specially designed contact lenses overnight. Here are times when and why you might need orthokeratology, its benefits, how to access it and what to expect from the treatment. 

When and Why You Might Need Orthokeratology 

Orthokeratology is often recommended for individuals who have mild to moderate near-sightedness, astigmatism or farsightedness. It may also be recommended for individuals who are not eligible for LASIK surgery or who prefer a non-surgical option. 

Orthokeratology can be particularly beneficial for children, as it may slow or even stop the progression of myopia (near-sightedness) in children. This is important because myopia can increase the risk of eye diseases later in life, such as glaucoma, cataracts and retinal detachment. 

Benefits of Orthokeratology  

One of the main benefits of orthokeratology is that it allows individuals to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses during the day. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes, swimmers and other individuals who may find glasses or contact lenses to be cumbersome or inconvenient during certain activities. 

Orthokeratology can also slow or even stop the progression of myopia in children, which can reduce the risk of developing serious eye diseases later in life. 

How to Access Orthokeratology 

To access orthokeratology, you will need to schedule an appointment with an optometrist who specialises in the treatment. The optometrist will perform a comprehensive eye exam to determine whether you are a good candidate for the treatment. 

If you are a good candidate, the optometrist will take measurements of your eyes to design custom contact lenses for you. You will be given instructions on how to wear and care for the contact lenses, as well as how often to come in for follow-up appointments. 

What to Expect From Orthokeratology Treatment  

Orthokeratology treatment typically involves wearing custom-designed contact lenses overnight while you sleep. The lenses gently reshape the cornea, which corrects vision and allows you to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses during the day. 

Most individuals will see an improvement in their vision within the first few days of wearing the contact lenses, with full results typically achieved within two weeks. You will need to wear contact lenses every night to maintain the corrected vision, and you will need to come in for regular follow-up appointments to monitor your eye health and the effectiveness of the treatment. 

Orthokeratology is a non-surgical method of correcting vision that can be particularly beneficial for individuals with mild to moderate near-sightedness, astigmatism or farsightedness, as well as children who may be at risk for myopia. It allows individuals to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses during the day and may even slow or stop the progression of myopia in children.

To access orthokeratology, you will need to schedule an appointment with an optometrist who specialises in the treatment, who will design custom contact lenses for you and provide instructions on how to wear and care for them. With regular follow-up appointments, orthokeratology can be a safe and effective method of correcting vision. 


1 March 2023

Caring For Your Eyes

Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Karl and today I would like to introduce you to the subject of looking after your eyesight. For many years, I didn't give my eyes much thought. I always thought that my eyes would look after themselves. However, I got older, I noticed that I found it difficult to read signs at a distance and to make out friends faces as they approached me. My wife suggested that I visit an optometrist and have my eyes checked. I was fitted with glasses which have improved my vision. I hope you enjoy my blog.