Understanding Glaucoma and Eye Surgery


Glaucoma is an eye illness that you may hear about when you go to the optometrist. An optometrist may mention the need to test for the illness. Many optometrists do not mention it beyond that point. If your optometrist tells you that you have glaucoma, then eye surgery may be necessary. Here are a few things to know about this type of eye surgery and what to expect from your surgeon.

Surgery Options

The first thing to know about Glaucoma surgery is that you have several options. If you have glaucoma with an open angle then a hospital-based surgery called trabeculectomy may be appropriate. This surgery takes around an hour and allows the drainage of fluid from the site. You may also have the more common form of glaucoma surgery known as glaucoma implants. These implants help with drainage and can be removed at a later time. MIGS, or minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, is also possible. This is an external tube used for minor glaucoma to remove pressure and prevent glaucoma from becoming worse.

Surgery Times

An issue for many people is not the type of surgery you will need, but how long the surgery will take. The good news for many patients is that the surgeries take anywhere from one to two hours. These surgeries can be done within a hospital environment and allow you to go home the same day. You will need someone to drive you home and ensure you are safe for the remainder of the day. That does mean that the surgery may prevent you from/working for a few days, but your doctor will be able to determine that at the time of the procedure. 

After Care Procedures

You may be concerned with the aftercare procedures for your glaucoma eye surgery. Your eye surgeons will prescribe eye drops to help with lubrication of the area and healing. Depending on the level of surgery and how you react, your eye surgeons may also decide to have further eye surgery or long healing times. Additional aftercare instructions will be given by your eye surgeon following the surgery. 

These are just a few of the key points you should know about your potential glaucoma surgery. When you are ready to move forward, contact your optometrist or eye surgeon. They can discuss your options and help you with different questions you may have. Your eye surgeon will also be able to help you with any transitions you may need to make following the surgery or prep for additional surgeries. 


27 August 2021

Caring For Your Eyes

Hello! Welcome to my blog. My name is Karl and today I would like to introduce you to the subject of looking after your eyesight. For many years, I didn't give my eyes much thought. I always thought that my eyes would look after themselves. However, I got older, I noticed that I found it difficult to read signs at a distance and to make out friends faces as they approached me. My wife suggested that I visit an optometrist and have my eyes checked. I was fitted with glasses which have improved my vision. I hope you enjoy my blog.